River Carron Fishing
River Carron rises at Campsie Fells before flowing towards Carron Valley, Carron Bridge, Fankerton, Stoney Wood, Denny, Larbert, Stenhousemuir, Carronshore and Grangemouth. Migratory fish can swim up as far as Fankerton before they are stopped by the weir at the old Carrongroove paper mill. The main quarry on the river is that of Brown Trout. Sea Trout and Salmon are starting to make a come back after 100 years of pollution hitting the river during the industrial age. The fishing season is from March through October, with the most amount of fish caught towards the end of the season. The river is maintained by Larbert & Stenhousemuir Angling Association. Permits are available throughout the local area. Any questions about fishing the River Carron can be asked within this forum...